Brooklyn Public Library no longer accepts donations of books and other materials from the public for its collections at its neighborhood libraries. The Library’s collection is carefully curated to ensure that materials are relevant, up-to-date and in good condition. It is a better use of our resources to purchase new books and media, including best-sellers and the most recently-updated reference materials, which are delivered "shelf-ready" for our patrons to use and enjoy. It takes a great deal of resources to evaluate, sort and process donations of books and other materials, especially at the neighborhood branches.
View the official book donation policy (PDF).
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Yes, but only at specific locations and times as announced by BPL. Friends Groups at select libraries will continue to hold book sales to support BPL. BPL's Outreach Services team also collects materials for offsite collections and programs. Additionally, the Big Brooklyn Book Sale will resume annually at Central Library beginning in 2022, with proceeds going toward BPL.
We recommend searching DonateNYC for a book donation location near you.
Your monetary contribution to the Library will help us buy new books and media for our libraries, such as up-to-date reference materials for students and jobseekers, children’s literature for kids of all ages, and best-sellers in multiple formats. Large and small donations help BPL offset budget cuts to continue growing our valuable collection. Donate today.